Friday, November 13, 2009

How much CO2 does the average tree convert into oxygen in a year?

I realize different types of trees may produce differing results. If someone knows the data for confiers, broadleaf trees, grasses, etc that would be nice. Or if not, an overall average would suffice.

How much CO2 does the average tree convert into oxygen in a year?
Biochemically, trees do not convert any CO2 into oxygen. In the light reactions of photosynthesis, oxygen is released from water, not CO2.

Most of the carbon dioxide put into the atmosphere comes from automobile and industrial emissions, not decomposing plants.

Most of the oxygen in our atmosphere is produced from algae

along the coastal regions of the world's oceans.
Reply:trees are not the important factor in globle warming its co2 exhaled by 6 billion people.
Reply:The average tree, over the course of its lifecycle, converts no CO2 into oxygen, as when it dies the decomposition releases all the gas that was trapped in its lifetime. So unless you do something permanent with the wood, planting trees will not affect global CO2 levels.

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