Friday, November 13, 2009

I live in Fort Smith, AR. What is the best grass to grow and make my lawn lush and green?

I am in the process of using some herbicide (MSMA) to kill the broadleaf stuff off but am not sure what type of grass seed to put down afterward. The two most common types of seed available at the local stores are Tall Fescue and Bermudagrass. I know there are pros and cons to each, but with the weather staying warmer throughout the fall and winter months around here, I am leaning toward the Bermuda because that would give me just a few months of brown lawn during the cold season and I have read the Fescue is not very drought tolerant. It gets hot and dry here during the Summer. Anyway, whatever feedback I receive will be greatly appreciated and if there are any alternatives I would be glad to hear them. Thanks.

I live in Fort Smith, AR. What is the best grass to grow and make my lawn lush and green?
Arkansas lies in the transition zone. Summers are too hot for the cool season grasses and winters are too cold for the warm season grasses. This makes growing grass in Arkansas more difficult than most other areas of the United States. It also depends on where you live in Arkansas. Fayetteville is too cold for St. Augustinegrass or Centipedegrass - it will suffer damage in the winter. Texarkana is hot and humid enough to make growing Tall Fescue difficult. Zoysiagrass does well throughout most of your state and should warrant your attention. I've had a hybrid Bermudagrass lawn in Phoenix and it was nice, but Bermudagrass can also suffer cold damage in Arkansas. It would be best for you to take a look at the turf selection site put together by the University of Arkansas Division of Ag. They know your climates and they know what grows best. They have even tested specific cultivars for hardiness in Arkansas. Here is their excellent site:
Reply:I'm trying to do the same with my yard and I believe the best contact you have is your local county extension agency for all your soil and grass info.I think you're right about the prolonged warm period ,it would be fine to lay it now ,good luck.
Reply:it depends on a number of different factors, check out this site and you will calculate what type of seed you need.
Reply:St. Augustine would be lush, green and pretty.


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